Biodiversity Ride

“Biodiversity Ride” is a follow-up project of the Climate Walk, that focuses on the impacts of biodiversity loss in four different regions of Europe. This time by bike, we want to engage with people and talk about their perception of nature as well as visit regional and local conservation projects on small and large scales to explore the question:

“Is biodiversity loss perceptible in different regions of Europe?”

Next to the climate crisis, we’re currently living in a time of the sixth global mass extinction in the history of the Earth. While climate change is now at least perceived as a global crisis, the decline of biodiversity, on the other hand, has received far fewer media and political attention in recent decades, even though overcoming both crises will determine humanity’s life in the coming decades.

In June ’23 biodiversity ride biked through four regions in the North, West, South, and East of Europe to experience where nature can be found, how the land is used, and how people perceive their environment. 

Read about the ride on the blog!

The Route

North 29.5. – 3.6.2023 | Germany

Germany: From Angermünde to Rostock, about 259km and 1290hm to go
→ travelling through Biodsphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chroin, Naturpark Uckermärkische Seen, Mecklenburger Großseenland, Naturpark Uckermärkische Seen

West 5.6. – 10.6.2023 | Netherlands, Belgium

Netherlands/Belgium: From Dordrecht to Antwerp with about 248km and 460hm to go
→  travelling through Nationaal Park De Biesbosch, Kop van Schouwen, Nationalpark Oosterscheide, Grenspark Kalmthoutse Heide

East 20.6 – 27.6.2023 | Austria, Slovenia, Croatia

Austria, Slovenia, Croatia: Bad Radkersburg – Đurđevac – Osijek via Euro Velo 13, 405 km, 1660 hm
→ Green Belt Europe

Here you see the track of the ride