
After more than 8.000 km walking through 17 different countries of Europe, talking to a variety of people about climate change you may think the Climate Walk is done wandering, at least for a while. But on the contrary, it inspired other people to start another project! But this time by bike and it’s all...
The Climate Walk will be postponed to 2022. Here are the reasons for this decision, and why it offers more opportunities than expected.
Read all about the reasoning behind Climate Walk's Crowdfunding Campaign.
Explore our holistic approach to Climate Change and the significance of powerful narratives for driving Climate Action. For this we are still missing something essential: YOU.
Climate Change. Two words, infinite stories. Everyone has heard of it and everyone knows in one way or another what it’s supposed to mean; but not everyone believes in it. What is it with Climate Change that people treat it as if it was something you can believe in if you want? Is it because...