Under the header of “we create”, we will approach Climate Change through an Arts and Visuals perspective in our class on 22nd of April. You all know the heartbreaking pictures of malnourished ice bears floating on ice sheets through the ocean. You also know the exponential curves of emissions, of species gone extinct in the last decades etc.
In this week’s class, we want to focus on several things. First, we want to raise the question whether and in which forms art helps us to tackle Climate Change: What role does art play, what potentials lie in it for communicating and depicting the Climate Crisis? We will also shed light on the question of how Climate Change is commonly visualized and imagined through visuals. Beyond, we will look at the potentials and merits of visual storytelling in the face of nature conservation and climate action.
With regards to access to and grading of the lecture series:
All the classes can be accessed through a recurring Zoom link open for everyone: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/99951349832?pwd=eS9HbzBxSXZIaHlKV2JhcFVWM09sZz09
Besides, studens of the University of Vienna may want to register for the course. For successfully completing the course and getting the ECTS, students have to submit a written seven-page paper after the end of the course. Please find more information of registration and assessment on: https://ufind.univie.ac.at/en/course.html?lv=240073&semester=2021S
For questions of recognition of the course please consult with your repective study program office.
RECORDING: www.sprint.climatewalk.eu/cwlecturerecordings (Please note that it may take some days after the session until the recording is available)
MATERIALS: www.sprint.climatewalk.eu/cwlecturematerials
The facebook-event can be found here.
The Climate Walk is a combined research, education and media-art project by the Wanderers of Changing Worlds. It is about walking across Europe to understand regional experiences of Climate Change. It is about listening to local perspectives, learning from them and connecting these stories together to construct a holistic, people-centric understanding of these complex phenomena.
The Climate Walk is a combined research, education and media-art project by the Wanderers of Changing Worlds. It is about walking across Europe to understand regional experiences of Climate Change. It is about listening to local perspectives, learning from them and connecting these stories together to construct a holistic, people-centric understanding of these complex phenomena.
→ Learn more about our project