
Latest Past Events

Climate Walk – Final Lecture

After having enjoyed all the guest lectures and panel discussions, we kindly invite you to one final session, dedicated to informal exchange, to learning more about this years' Climate Walk in Austria and to joint reflection. So in case you want to get involved or to join us either on our walk through Austria or […]

Climate Walk Lecture #7 – Outlook and Wrap-Up

After having looked at Climate Change and the Climate Crisis from all of the project's five perspectives, our final panel discussion titled "Fighting the climate crisis: prospects and challenges" is dedicated to discussing alternative pathways that we may take from here. In the course of that, we will discuss strategies for a socio-ecological transformation and […]

Climate Walk Lecture #6 – Climate Change Communication & Socio-Ecological Transformation (“We Conn_Act”)


We have so far spoken about four of our five project dimensions - "we walk", "we listen" (research), "we talk" (education), "we create" (media-art) -, but not explicitly about mobilizing and getting people together for a common cause! For what we term "connActing" people, that is bringing people together through an emancipatory agenda, we need […]