Your Frequently Asked Questions

The Climate Walk is a combined research, education and media-art project by the Wanderers of Changing Worlds. It is about walking across Europe to understand regional experiences of Climate Change. It is about listening to local perspectives, learning from them and connecting these stories together to construct a holistic, people-centric understanding of these complex phenomena.

If you still have any questions about this project you can check out our Frequently Asked Questions below or you can contact us right away.

Everything you want to know

Why are you walking?

Walking is a humbling and grounding way to perceive temporality and spatiality in today’s world. Being physically and mentally present in a walk gives a unique perspective. This will enable us to learn and understand the varying facets of Climate Change in an European context, thus bringing us closer to a near-complete story. The aim will be to experience these realities for ourselves, to better inform us of these perspectives and to enable us to act as carriers of this information, locally, inter-nationally and globally.

How can I support you?

Whether it is funding, expertise, publicity, contacts – we are open to suggestions and grateful for everything. You can check out our support page for more information. If you are interested, we would be happy for a chance to introduce ourselves and talk about possibilities of cooperation.

I am a filmmaker, artist, photographer... How can I connect with you?

We will work together with filmmakers and artists to develop artistic contributions that help to spread the complex topic of Climate Change. We want to see and experience the world through your perspective. So, if you are interested to share your perspective, please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperate and connect with you. You can write and contact us in english, german, spanish, italian, french, portuguese, and norwegian.

Can I walk with you?

Everyone is welcome to walk and respectfully talk with us. We will start walking by the fifth of June 2022. Whilst walking, we will update the route daily. As this walk is to understand and create awareness on Climate Change, we kindly want to remind you to travel environmentally friendly. Further, please organise your accommodation by yourself and be aware that walking is physically and mentally challenging. You can find more information here