The Climate Walk is a project by the Wanderers of Changing Worlds, a small team of enthusiasts with big goals, and there is only so much we can do by ourselves. In order to accomplish our goals, we need support from people and organizations like you(rs). To keep the operations of our assocation running and in order to boost our project in its current starting phase we are relying on donations. You can find more information regarding donatios below.
The project Wanderers of Changing Worlds is organized by the Austrian association Europäische Klimawanderung (‘European Climate Trail’).
If you want to become a Project Ally and support us, you can either donate directly to our association’s bank account:
IBAN: AT98 3412 9000 0023 5994
Receiver: Verein Europäische Klimawanderung
Reference: Donation Climate Walk
…or use PayPal to donate*:
*Please be aware that every donation via PayPal is deduced by 3-4% due to their fees
As a Project Ally you can decide whether you want to be named on our supporters page or not. If you want to be named, please get in touch with us and let us know.