Katharina Gsöllpointner

Member of the knowledge association
Portrait of Katharina Gsöllpointner

Image credit: Ana Loureiro Fernandes

Background information

Katharina Gsöllpointner is a trained communication, media, and art theorist with a special focus on the crossover of media aesthetics, digital technologies, cybernetics of art, and with a long lasting passion for cross-disciplinary thinking and acting.
Since 2019 she is head of the department International Programmes in Sustainable Developments at the University of Applied Arts Vienna which aims to explore and define new forms of future-oriented university education, and which develops and implements inter- and transdisciplinary master’s programmes in close cooperation with European and non-European universities and institutions.

Why do you support the Climate Walk?

“Climate Walk – what a tremendous idea! I am more than happy to support this project since our department’s fundamental function is to equip young people with the inter- and crossdisciplinary competencies, skills, and abilities that serve them as an indispensable basis for their engagement with the Grand Global Challenges.”

Learn more about the Knowledge Assocation and its members here.