Martin Thalhammer

Wanderer of Changing Worlds
Portrait von Martin Thalhammer


Martin Thalhammer has studied Cultural and Social Anthropology and Development Studies at the University of Vienna, Environmental Management at the University of Life Sciences Vienna and Social Ecology at the University of Klagenfurt. Currently, he is about to start a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Policy at the Central European University and works as a lector at the University of Vienna. His research areas encompass political ecology, critical political economy, multi-species ethnography and socio-ecological transformation processes. Beyond being dedicated to critical interdisciplinary research, he is a certified permaculture garden designer and enjoys hiking, running and making music.

Why do you work on the Climate Walk?

“Walking together towards a just and solidary future – not only for humans, but for all living beings – is for me the antidote to an ever accelerating and harsher world. Walking together means picking up people where they are, instead of believing that one needs to guide and teach them. Walking reminds us of our dependence on an intact environment, it also reminds us that the struggle against the climate crisis and its driving forces is not a decision, but a necessity.”

What does the Climate Walk mean to you?


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