The Knowledge Association serves as an advisory council to support our project’s work. It consists of relevant stakeholders from the academic field, NGOs, political and institutional bodies.
The list is constantly updated.
The project “Wanderers of Changing Worlds” inspired me from the very beginning. I particularly like the fact that young people are involved in the process of dealing with the issues of climate change and climate protection.
To understand climate change we need to understand its local impacts. And we need to involve diverse publics in their experiences with climate change. This is what the Climate Walk does, in a highly intriguing and inspiring way.
The Wanderers of Changing Worlds is a really creative and innovative initiative aiming to raise consciousness inside and outside of the monastic academic world, building dialogue and spreading knowledge across several kinds of borders. I cannot think of a more auspicious time for this kind of project.
What an inspiring team of young global citizens, walking the talk and researching about climate change and its impact across Europe. The Ban Ki-moon Centre is excited to support the efforts on SDG 4 and SDG 13.
I do want to support Climate Walk! What a great idea to walk across many countries, to open your senses, to listen humbly to people, to know various cultures and ways of life. I do believe that this is the only way to get really connected: with one another, with nature, with yourself! May the road rise up to meet you…
Südwind supports the Wanderers of Changing Worlds because with our campaigns and educational activities we also take many steps towards a sustainable future and for the sustainable development goals and we go best and furthest together.
Image credit: Alexander Chitsazan
Climate Walk – what a tremendous idea! I am more than happy to support this project since our department’s fundamental function is to equip young people with the inter- and crossdisciplinary competencies, skills, and abilities that serve them as an indispensable basis for their engagement with the Grand Global Challenges.
Image credit: Ana Loureiro Fernandes
Hiking is like doing research: critically scrutinizing what already exists and looking for something better.
Image credit: Pilo Pichler
“We have gathered facts about climate change and its impacts. We have included people in our research to find answers to our questions, with the aim to develop adaption measures based on peoples’ vulnerability. But, there is still a strong need to listen to peoples’ individual needs and to take their concerns seriously – that`s why the approach of the Wanderers of Changing Worlds is highly appreciated.”
Image credit: University of Vienna
I find the idea of grounding this project on walking across Europe fantastic and convincing in ecological, social, political, and methodological terms. We may expect surprising insights from this project for comprehending climate issues from perspectives hitherto less noticed. It is a pleasure for me to share experiences and knowledge with this team of young, engaged wanderers.
Image credit: Erika Pechtl
I support the Wanderers of Changing Worlds as I like the integration of scientific and everyday knowledge as well as the transformative approach of the project.
Lebenshilfe Österreich supports the Wanderers of Changing World, sharing one vision and standing up for an open and inclusive world.
A climate walk creates the chance to establish bonds to local communities and to testify the ecological collapse of landscapes as an effect of climate disruption. Walking, listening and learning is also a perfect preparation to get yourself ready to what should not be considered a choice but an obligation of every human being: connecting with the swarming bodies confronting Capitalocene’s worst polluters and nation-states unwilling to seriously mitigate carbon emissions.
Image credit: Lineematiche, Luca Guadagnini
Contemporary societal and ecological challenges require a new thinking about futures for the globe. Walking triggers ideas. Let’s become Wanderers of Changing Worlds!
Walking is one of the best ways for experiencing and knowing the world. And Climate Walk is a wonderful project at the intersection of science and activism, full of youthful energy.
Wanderers of Changing Worlds is an excellent initiative to assess climate change problems at the local and community level, involve the communities and showcase issues and solutions that can be used for promoting sustainable development from the individual to the policy level.