Climate Walk

By the Wanderers of Changing Worlds

The Climate Walk is a combined research, education and media-art project by the Wanderers of Changing Worlds. It is about walking across Europe to understand regional experiences of Climate Change. It is about listening to local perspectives, learning from them and connecting these stories together to construct a holistic, people-centric understanding of these complex phenomena.

The project consists of 5 interconnected dimensions:

We Walk | We Listen | We Talk | We Create | We ConnAct

Project descriptions

Life itself is as much a long walk as it is a long conversation, and the ways along which we walk are those along which we live.

(Ingold/Vergunst 2008: 1)

Support us with your donation

And become a project ally

The project Wanderers of Changing Worlds is organized by the Austrian association Europäische Klimawanderung (‘European Climate Trail’).

If you want to become a Project Ally and support us, you can either donate directly to our association’s bank account:

IBAN: AT98 3412 9000 0023 5994
Receiver: Verein Europäische Klimawanderung
Reference: Donation Climate Walk


…or use PayPal to donate*:

*Please be aware that every donation via PayPal is deduced by 3-4% due to their fees

As a Project Ally you can decide whether you want to be named on our supporters page or not. If you want to be named, please get in touch with us and let us know.

Want to reach out to us?

If you want to support us, become a project partner or have requests for workshops or lectures, get in touch with us!